Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fist Cut of the Hay

We finished haying today. 190 bales with threat of rain but we got everything cut, baled, and put up with no problem. It was great hay too, very dry fescue but the old back is a little wore out. We had a hard time finding someone that could cut and bale the hay in a timely manner because tis the middle of haying season and everyone is tied up but we found a farmer down the road who could do it and who also had seasoned firewood for sale for $120.00 a cord..BINGO!!
1960 Ford WorkMaster with a sicklebar mower...gotta get a sickle bar mower for the Allis Chalmers.

You have to hear the old tractors to understand...its music to my ears.
As you can see, we had a lush field of prime fescue and we were worried it would be cut and then get wet and mold...thus being useless for horses (cows would eat it but the value goes down significantly).
The WorkMaster grill is very distinctive and watching the cutting was like going back in time....
It was such a relief to get the hay cut finally.
Our upper pasture...once it was cut an old hayrack put it into windrows for the baler. It was so dry we didnt have to leave it in the field to dry.
The baler then goes down the windrows and picks up the hay and bales it.
And with the threat of rain, we of course had to get the hay bucked right away and into the barn..190 bales....
The old blue farm truck came in handy.
Neighbors came to help and the equipment trailer was invaluable. The old farm truck had such a load that the Banks Turbo kicked in to get the load moving and if anyone knows what a diesel turbo sounds like when its spooling up or down they know why it gets the blood that is a sound to enjoy.
The baler waqs old but did a great job.
We went with square bales for the horse and because it was easier to handle.
If you dont like old tractors something is wrong with you.

This gets plowed soon for the deer and turkey hunting patch.
We could get almost 80 bales on this rig.
I think we need a bigger tractor!!
One quarter of the cutting.
Rose the Farm Dog and Bandit helped throughout the day. I had 4 hours of fire department training before we even started haying so it was a physically demanding but satisfying day.

The hay will go to feed the ponys and horses and for Holly's holiday decorations (we got married on Halloween so its a big celebration in our house). All and all it was a very satisfying day.

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